Sunday, June 27, 2010
June 20-26 Training/Diet
Nutrition: Low Carb
Sprints: 30 seconds on, 90 seconds off for 30 total minutes
Kettlebell Workout:
One-Arm Snatch upward pyramids
1 rep, 2 rep, 3 rep, 4 rep, 5 rep, 6 rep, 7 rep, 9 rep, 10, rep
One-Arm Swing downward pyramids
9 rep, 8 rep, 7 rep, 6 rep, 5 rep, 4 rep, 3 rep, 2 rep, 1 rep
Nutrition: Low Carb
Strength Training:
A1. 35 lbs one arm push-ups for 2x3 (one arm extended on box for balance)
A2. 35 lbs one arm towel pull-up for 2x3 (high up on towel)
B1. Pull-up upward pyramids (1 rep, 2 rep, 3 rep... 9 rep)
B2. Bodyweight Bench Press upward pyramids (up to 9 reps at 195 lbs)
B3. Elevated pistol one legged squat upward pyramids (up to 9 reps with 5 lbs counterbalance)
Swing/Pull-Up downward pyramid
A1. Pull-Up for 10 rep, 9, rep, 8 rep.. 1 rep
A2. Kettlbell One-Arm Swing for 10 rep, 9 rep, 8 rep... 1 rep
Unfortunatley, I was so busy this week and was unable to train as much as I wanted. But I think that I probably needed a small break from training both mentally and physically. I will go out on an all out assault next week to make up for the recovery time that I had.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Gear that I will own!

EXF Gymnastic Rings

I will use these rings for various pull-ups, dips, leg raises, push-ups, and anything that I can think of. I have a DVD called "Ultimate Upper-Body" by Steve Maxwell, where various ring exercises are performed. It is just amazing the versatility that rings have. I will be working on the muscle-up and I hope to be able to do one within a few months of working with the rings.
Another 50 lbs Kettlebell There is a lot that I can do with the 50 lbs kettlebell that I already own but having another one would be even better. Having just the one, I can only really work on conditioning but the 2nd one would allow me to work on strength. Here is a pic of Steve Cotter who is a world renowned martial artist and strength and conditioning instructor specializing in everything kettlebells. I have learned a lot from him.
2 x 50 lbs Resistance Band
I will be using these bands either by themselves or I will step on them while lifting a kettlebell or barbell for increased resistance without having to add weight to the bar.
30 foot Agility Ladder
I will use this agility ladder to increase my foot speed (which has never been very good). will even do some kettlebell drills while moving through this ladder. Such as swings while shuffling through the ladder.
When using a harness, I will either attach a resistance band or rope to, and I will drag kettlebells, a friend, or just attach it to a door.
June 14-19 Training/Diet
Nutrition: Low Carb
Sprints: 30 seconds on 1 min 30 off. For 30 minutes total.
8 rounds of Combo Heavy Bag, 2 minute rounds, 1 minute rest
Steve Cotter Kettlebell one-arm Circuit: 30 sec rest in btwn sets, 10 reps each side
- Swings
- Shoulder Press
- One Arm Squat
- Clean
- Snatch
- Overhead Squat
- Side Bend
- Lunge
- One Legged Deadlift
- Clean and Press
- Bent over Row (20 reps)
- Sumo Deadlift Upright Row (High Pull)
Nutrition: Higher Carb
Strength Training:
A1. 20 lbs One Arm Push-Ups 3x5
A2. 20 lbs One Arm on bar, other on towel (wrapped around bar) Pull-Ups
B1. Elevated Sumo Deadlift 4x2 (315 lbs)
B2. Weighted Dips 4x3 (110 lbs added)
B3. Hanging Windshield Wiper 3x8 per side
C1. Elevated Pistol Squat 3x3 (55 lbs added)
C2. Strap Knees to elbows 2x25
Hurricane Sprints:
20 minutes Total Time for 20 seconds sprints, at 10% incline, 11.5 mph max speed
Nutrition: Low Carb
- 31 reps burpee pull-ups
- ring dips 5x10 with jump rope for rest
Nutrition: Higher Carb
Strength Training:
A1. 30 lbs One Arm Push-Ups 3x3
A2. T-Bar Row 4x3 (4x45 lbs plates+25 lb plate)
B1. Bulgarian Barbell Squat 5x5 (135 lbs)
B2. One Arm Dumbbell Press 2x2 (80 lbs) and 1x3 (75 lbs)
B3. Hanging Knee Raise Negative Leg Lower 3x10
C1. T-Bar Pull-Up 2x6 (per side)
C2. One Arm Snatch 2x2 (70 lbs)
C3. Plank weight transfer 2x3 (4x10 lbs plates)
Hurricane Vest Sprints:
20 minutes total time for 20 seconds sprints, at 10% incline at 10.5 mph max speed
Boxing: 5 rounds Power Punches, 5 rounds of 2 minute combo punches
Steve Cotter Kettlebell one arm Circuit: rest with jump rope, 10 reps each side
Completed just as in Monday's workout but with jump rope and more speed
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Fitness Gear I own
- 50 lbs Kettlebell

- Aero Speed Hyper Performance Jump Rope
I use this US Olympic endorsed jump rope during my strength training sessions to keep the heart rate up in between sets while still allowing my muscles to recover. I jump side to side, forward and backward, and with one leg at a time. I try something new and challenging each time I use it.
- 85 lbs Heavy Bag and Stand
I hit the heavy bag at least 2x a week. I often focus on throwing power puches for 5 rounds of 30 seconds. And then 5 rounds of 1 minute speed punches. I have been working on my combos for 2 minute rounds and working up to 10 rounds. Once I reach that goal with ease, I will increase the round length to a professional 3 minutes.
I have been using this vest for a while. I do body-weight circuits and run stairs with this vest. It can really rack up the intensity and make everything harder. But when the time comes to take the vest off, everything becomes easier. I will be purchasing a 40 lber very soon...
- Monster Mini Bands (25 lbs each)

These are great to add on to light weights to make it feel much more difficult. The further that the weight is pressed or pulled it gets heavier. These bands can even be used on their own by attaching them to a door handle or something. I am upgrading to 50 lbs a piece bands.