Home Strength
- Handstand Push-Ups for 5xMAX Reps (3,2,3,2)
- 20 lbs Vest Pull-Ups for 50 TOTAL
1. Speed Deadlift Shrug (Clean Pull) at 50% MAX Deadlift [370 = 185] 8x3
2. Military Press for 4x5 (135 lbs)
3. Dynamic Pull-Ups (switching grip in the air on the way up) for 4 sets
Deck of Cards: Burpees, squats, diamond push-ups, 4 count flutter kicks
8 rounds
Row 250 meters
25 Push-ups alternated with 25 sit-ups (chest was dead from morning PT)
Tabata Double Unders
Crossfit Pyramid 1 (WG)
12,10,8,6,4,2 pull up (semi kip)
2,4,6,8,10,12 thrusters (115 lbs)
2,4,6,8,10,12 american kb swings (53 lbs)
12,10,8,6,4,2 box jump (20")
Home Strength
Handstand Push-Up for 3 reps (head to ground)
Swimming for skill
(PM) Power (worked up to written set)
High Box Jump (box + 2x45 lbs Bumper Platers + 2x35 lbs Bumper Plates)
175 lbs squat clean and jerk for 5x2
Ring Muscle-Up Progression on knees for 4,8,6,6 reps
Hang Squat Snatch
3x5 (95 lbs)
5x3 (115 lbs)
Double Under Practice
Handstand Hold for 2x1:45
Knees to Elbows for 20 reps straight
3 finger pull-ups for 3x10 (alternating grips each set)
Heavy Bag Work: perform 10 combos then pistol squat (3 rounds before bag fell off rack)
Pistol Practice (working on balance and form) for 24 total per leg [completing sets in 3 per leg]
Captain of Crush #1 work
20 lbs weighted vest handstand hold
This week was my first back to school. It was a good week of training. I was able to get some solid power work in by doing the Olympic moves. I also worked on my handstand and HSPU. I did some conditioning but no running. Next week I will tweak my strength training by lifting with a Wendler and Westside hybrid. It is Wendler b/c I will be manipulating my reps to 5 reps this week, 3 the next, and some HEAVY singles. I will be doing a Westside esque training in that I will be switching the exercises up every week or few weeks. I will play that by ear. I will also do 1 Max Effort session and 1 Dynamic Effort focusing on Speed. The Deadlift, Barbell Snatch, and Barbell Clean will be my focus lifts even though I will be doing a variation of these exercises or other exercises that will correlate to heavier weights with the original power exercise. For example, I will be working my front squats to improve my squat cleans. I have to keep pushing my conditioning hard while still improving in strength and power. I ate very Paleo this past week and plan to keep that up.
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