Tuesday, May 31, 2011
2xMuscle Ups and Team WOD
Tabata for 8 rounds of 20 sec sprints and 10 sec rest
Muscle Ups on rings for 2,1,1,2 reps
Military Press for 3 (135#), 2 (145#), 1 (155#)
Team WOD (team of 5 with only 2 people working at one time)
Chest to Bar Pull-Ups for 300 reps (I broke them down in sets of 5 mostly)
Kettlebell American Swing for 300 reps at 53 lbs (I broke it down to 10 reps per set)
Barbell Lateral Jumps scaled from double unders (20 jumps a set)
Barbell Overhead Squat scaled from 95# to 75# (broke down to 5-10 reps per set)
I was proud of myself that I was able to string 2 muscle-ups together without stopping and I did it two times. I even almost got 3. I feel confident that I can get 5 muscle ups on rings in the next week. I just have use very good form. I have to work on my military press because I would like to be able to strictly press at least 175 lbs. The workout killed me. I had to scale it which sometimes is a blow to my ego but it is for the best. My hands got ripped up and were gushing blood from the pull-ups. I really have to work to push away from the bar so that I can load up for the next rep. I usually slowly lower myself because I feel as if I will fall off if I don't. if I can get better at pushing away from the bar in the descent leading to a kip then pull-ups will become MUCH EASIER.
Quote of the Day
"A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others."
~Ayn Rand
Fitness for June 2011
· Wake up at 0600 every morning to perform cardio (run, row, bike, heavybag)
o Short Interval
§ 10x200 m run or 10x250 m row with 2 min recovery
§ 10x30 sec sprints with 2 min recovery
§ 5x400 m run or 5x500 m row repeats with 3 min recovery
§ 5x1.5 min sprints
§ 3x(200,400,600 m) run or 3x(250,500,750) row resting as long as the previous interval
§ Sandbag Sprints up steep trails for 10x30 sec with 2 min rest
§ 6x3 min run, row, bike, heavy bag
§ 7x2 min run, row, bike, heavy bag
§ Tabata for 8 rounds 20 sec on : 10 sec off – run, row, bike, heavy bag, double unders
o Long Interval
§ 3x7 min interval with 3 min recovery
§ 2x10 min interval with 2-3 min recovery
o Time Trial
§ 5K, 10K, 10 mile, 13.1 mile
§ For time (covering MAX distance)
· 1 MAX Effort Lift and 1 Skill or Conditioning exercise before CrossFit WOD
o Show up to CF Inspire at least 30 min early
§ Lift: squat, military press, deadlift, weighted pull-up, dip, snatch, clean
· Work up to MAX weight with 5,3,2,1 reps
§ Skill: Handstand Push-up, Muscle-up, Pistol, Box Jump for height, ect
§ Conditioning: extra rowing, wall climb, double unders, ect
· Perform 2 core exercises after workout focusing on form and conditioning
o Foot to Bar
o Knees to Elbows
o GHD Sit-Ups (with or without weight)
o GHD Back Extension (with or without weight)
o L-Seat (hanging or not)
o Flutter Kicks
o Plank
o Rolling Rocks
Monday, May 30, 2011
Kettlebells and Rings
Handstand Push-Ups facing wall for 5,4,4 reps
7 Rounds
7 Kettlebell Snatches Right and Left (14 per round) [50 lbs kettlebell]
7 Ring Dips
Completed in 8 min (98 TOTAL Snatches and 49 TOTAL Dips)
I had slipped on the stairs and kind of hurt my knee so I avoided doing a workout that relied on my legs too much. This was a quick one but a good one. I was able to pretty much go non stop for the entire 8 min.
Quote of the Day
"Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they've made a difference. The Marines don't have that problem."
~Ronald Reagan
HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY! To all those that gave their lives for this country
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Trail Running in boots (5,4,3,2,1 intervals)
5 min interval, 2 min rest, 4 min interval, 2 min rest, 3 min interval, 2 min rest, 2 min interval, 2 min rest, 1 min interval, DONE!
I ran in my boots up the mountain of Valley Forge Park. It felt good but of course it was tough.
Quote of the Day
"Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate,but that we are powerful beyond measure.
~Marianne Williamson
Mikko Salo (CrossFit Games Champ 2009) This guy is a CYBORG!
Friday, May 27, 2011
First Muscle-Up! and 250 meter Rowing Sprints

On a Helo
Today, I hit my first muscle up on rings. I really had to fight for it to get it. I failed on my first attempt. But what really helped me was to think about kipping while pulling the rings into my lower chest and then immediately bringing my head through the rings with my shoulders above my hands while maintaining the "FALSE-GRIP." I am pretty pumped that I got one. Now my goal is get 5 consecutive ring muscle-ups in the next few weeks. I am also going to try them on a pull-up bar. I have heard that they are easier on the pull-up bar. I also hit 3 hard rowing sprints for 250 meters each. I did them in 40 seconds on each sprint which apparently is pretty good. I would like to knock 5 seconds off of that. I was supposed to do a CrossFit Circuit afterwards but was dry heaving because I had just eaten a peanut butter smoothie before I went. Note to self: Do not do that again!
Quote of the Day
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear."
~Ambrose Redmoon
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Squat Cleans and Met-Con
Cash in: GHD Sit-Ups 2x20
Take 15mins to perform sets of 2 (185#), 1,1 (205#) of:
Squat Cleans
Complete 3 Rounds of:
400m Run
7 Squat Cleans (135)
12 Ring Dips
For Time! Completed in 11:26
Cash out: Back Extensions 2x20
Weighted Chin-ups for 4x2 with 70#
I really crushed this one! It was a smoke checker but I did pretty well on it. I hit some core work before and after and then some weighted chin-ups. I am gonna work the olympic moves going heavy and lighter in met-cons (Circuit).
Quote of the Day
"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty"
~Winston Churchill
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Squat Snatch and burpees
Will Schlucter and I after the ODDyssey Half Marathon 2011 in Fairmount Park area Philadelphia, PA
Squat Snatch
Take 15mins to perform 2, 1, 1, 1 of: (135 MAX)
Complete 5 Rounds of:
5 Squat Snatch (115-95# used)
10 Burpees
For Time! 12:07
Today I worked on my squat snatch or "Snatch" at CrossFit Inspire. I really would like to improve my snatch poundage but to do so I must mostly focus on getting my form better. Also doing some snatch balances and back squats should help.
Quote of the Day
"Do not be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better. What if they are a little course, and you may get your coat soiled or torn? What if you do fail, and get fairly rolled in the dirt once or twice. Up again, you shall never be so afraid of a tumble."
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Monday, May 23, 2011
Handstand Push-Ups (facing wall) 5, 5, 4
Free Handstand Practice - facing wall slowly kick off
Muscle Up Practice (with feet on ground to start)
Muscle-Up on rings
1. FALSE Grip!
2. Lean Back Kip up body parallel with floor
3. Rings to sternum with elbows in
4. Turn rings outs keeping them close to body
5. Push head through rings in bottom of dip
6. Ring dip up
Timed Push-Ups (chest to deck and full lockout of elbows )
2 min interval with 2 min rest (56 reps)
1 min interval with 1 min rest (26 reps)
30 sec interval (18 reps)
Ring L-Pull ups for 5,4,3,2,1 reps on the min then repeat for 5,4,3,2,1 reps on the min
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Half Marathon - Philadelphia ODDyssey Race
13.1 Miles
Completed in 1 hour and 53 min (sec?)
I ran this one with friends Will and James Schlucter. It felt pretty good and not even that long. There was a pretty big hill on the last mile. But it didn't stop us from basically sprinting up it. My legs were a little sore afterwards. I may have been able to go a little faster. I will try to get more interval sprints on the track and trail running sprints often doing it in combat boots.
Quote of the Day
"Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength, mastering yourself is true power." -- Lao-Tzu
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Sandbag Hill Sprints in Combat Boots (Fri)
7x30 sec with 2 min recovery
This one felt good. I hit the sandbag sprints hard and gave myself some time to recover. The sandbag weighs about 45 lbs. I ran mount miserey at Valley Forge Park where it is a steep hill up steps made of wood. I would like to try to to run the trails in my boots a couple times a week for my training.
Quote of the Day
“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” ~Thomas Edison
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Lynne Light and extra Core Work
3 Rounds (with 1 min of rest in between each exercise)
MAX Body-Weight Bench Press 195 lbs for 12,8,6 reps
MAX Pull-Ups 20,16,11 reps
Cash Out: 50 GHD Sit-Ups
This was a fast workout. I am really working on my kipping pull-ups but it is tough for me to "push" away from the bar on the way down from the pull-up into the kip. I am gonna work on that.
Quote of the Day
I'm inclined to think that a military background wouldn't hurt anyone.
~William Faulkner
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Trail Run and Hang Power Clean/Dubs WOD
Up steep hill for 5x3 min intervals with 2 min recoveries
In 8 mins find your 2RM in:
Hang Power Clean (190 lbs)
Complete for Time:
5 Hang Power Cleans 175 lbs
10 Unbroken Double Unders (Dubs) [jumping rope with 2 evolutions of rope per jump]
4 Hang Power Cleans
20 Unbroken Dubs
3 Hang Power Cleans
30 Dubs
2 Hang Power Cleans
120 Single Jumps Rope Skips
1 Hang Power Cleans
150 Single Skips
I hit the trails of Valley Forge park with good friend, Josh Marziale, Naval Academy Midshipman and Navy SEAL hopeful. Running felt good. The CrossFit workout felt good too. The double unders were too much after 30 repetitions. I have to work on these.
Quote of the Day
Clocks slay time... time is dead as long as it is being clicked off by little wheels; only when the clock stops does time come to life.
William Faulkner
Monday, May 16, 2011
Kettlebells and Burpees
Turkish Get Ups
3 x 5 (per hand) 53 lbs
Then 5 rounds of:
15 Burpees
10 KB snatch (per hand) with 53 lbs (20 total snatches per round)
Completed in 14:56
Today was my first day back at CrossFit Inspire. This workout took a lot out of me. I was seeing stars afterwards.
Quote of the Day
"Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen."
-- Michael Jordan
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Sprints in Boots (Free-Running Video)
• 10 X 10 sec sprint (1 min rest)
• 5 X 18 sec sprint with 1 min recovery
• 2 X 1:30 min run (rest 2 minutes before and after efforts)
These sprints felt good. I have to incorporate running in boots by sprinting and longer runs along with just hiking up steep terrain into my training. My legs felt pretty sore afterwards. Next week I will be going back to CrossFit Inspire to start my training for OCS.
Quote of the Day
"It is the nature of the wise to resist pleasures, but the foolish to be a slave to them."
- Epictetus
Gymnastics + Running + Jumping = Free Running and Parkour
Friday, May 13, 2011
Back Box Squat and PT Pyramid
PT Pyramid
Kipping Pull-Ups 1,2,3,4…10
Dips 2,4,6,8…20
I hit some Box Squats with bands keeping it at the one weight for all sets. I focused on standing up as fast as possible even though it wasn't that fast. I then did a pyramid workout. My legs felt very sore today. I have been trying to cut back eating and eat Primal/Paleo. Drinking lots of water helps!
Quote of the Day
"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."
- Confucius
Met-Con and Gymnastics (Thursday)
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 Chest to bar Pull-ups
10 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
15 Double Unders
Completed 8 rounds
5 Rounds (resting as needed between)
5 Handstand Push-Ups (HSPU)
50,40,30,20,10 Rolling Rocks
This Met-Con was a smoke checker. I hadn't done much of any of the 3 exercises and they are all sort of a weakness. I am awful at kipping so the C2B (Chest to Bar pull-ups) were tuff. The Wall Balls are cruel and usual. The double unders are difficult because my coordination isn't that great. I am working on them. It made for an interesting 20 min. I would like to do this one again at some point and replace the dubs for kettlebll swings like the original WOD was meant to have. The Gymnastics in my apartment felt pretty good.
Quote of the Day
"No man is worth his salt who is not ready at all times to risk his well-being, to risk his body, to risk his life, in a great cause."
~Theodore Roosevelt
Monday, May 9, 2011
Strength and Running/Rowing Sprints
Back Squat for 1,1,1,1 (going deep! 255#)
Rack Bench Press with fat gripz and double wrapped bands for 3,3,3 (155#)
Landmine Barbell One Armed Row for 3x15 with 100#
3 Rounds with minimal recovery
1-1:30 min sprints
8 Rounds
1 min sprints with 30 sec walk
I did some strength where I hit the back squats really deep to maintain the integrity of the movement and not cheat myself. I am not gonna let my ego get the best of me. I will go deep and parallel or lower. I am also determined to clean up my diet and go PAELO/PRIMAL for 95% of the time. I am going to allow myself the rare occassional splurge but I will get back on the wagon again real quick.
Quote of the Day
"Nothing would be done at all if one waited until one could do it so well that no one could find fault with it."
- John Henry Newman
What is a firebreather!?
Saturday, May 7, 2011
3 rounds
12 dead hang pull-ups
21 american swings (50#)
20 Double Unders
Completed in 9:45
While doing this workout I had a lot of trouble on the pull-ups because I was still really SORE from Thursday's Linda workout.
Quote of the Day
"Those that do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness."
~Earl of Derby
Video: This video shows a guy who really works his butt off to improve. However, this vid is a little over dramatic (WARNING).
Friday, May 6, 2011
Muscle Up Trouble
Ring L-Pull-Ups for 11,10,9 reps
I am still trying to get my first muscle up but am having a lot of trouble. I can't seem to transition into the dip. I am going to work on this until I get it. I may even go to the local gymanstics gym near home. Although my crossfit gym has rings with high enough ceilings and I have rings but not enough ceiling height.
Quote of the Day
"Flaming enthusiasm, backed up by horse sense and persistence, is the quality that most frequently makes for success."
- Dale Carnegie
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Bench Press [Body-Weight] BW (195#)
Squat Clean 0.75xBW (145#)
Deadlift 1.5xBW (295#)
Completed in 1 hour and 45 sec
This was a tough workout that I had to pace myself in. I focused on executing good form benching to chest and lockout, squat cleaning all the way in the hole with butt close to ground, and deadlifting trying to maintain the lumbar curve and using my legs to push through the floor. If I just went balls to the wall and tried to complete every rep un-broken (not breaking set up into smaller sets) then I would have been destroyed. I still tried to keep the pace fast. I did complete my Bench Presses unbroken and I had the most difficulty with the Cleans. The deadlifts were doable but a gut check. My back is demolished from the deads. I took a nap today which will hopefully help in the recovery process. I hope to get at least one met-con and some running and biking in before the end of the week.
Quote of the Day
"Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you."
- Thomas Jefferson
Video of Linda = the pain storm that I experienced today!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Track Sprints and Extra Running

2x(200m,400m,600m) resting about as long as it took for the interval
2x200m for Speed resting as much as needed
then a couple hours later...
2 mile run at moderate pace
I ran some intense sprints on the track with Staff Sgt Rob. It was hot and I really had to push it hard. We ran two 200 m sprints after 2 rotations of the 3 different distances. I did not feel like running the long 400 and 600 m sprints and wanted a slight change of pace. I then ran through some trails in Haverford with Will S. I had to eat some stuff and my legs were already toast from the sprints and the deadlifts the previous day but I got a little extra mileage in.
Quote of the Day
"He who is the author of a war lets loose the whole contagion of hell and opens a vein that bleeds a nation to death."
~Thomas Paine
Monday, May 2, 2011
Bin Laden Dead: Grace WOD and Strength
Sumo Deadlift for 3 reps (365#), 2 reps (385#), and 1 rep (410#)
Speed Box Squat with mini Bands for 8x3 with 95#
30 Power Clean and Jerks with 135# for time (4:08)
I was pretty impressed with my Sumo Deadlifting today. I really grinded up the weight but I had not done much deadlifting for a while and yet my numbers were pretty good. I did the Grace workout and did ok. I was getting distracted by moronic meat-heads asking to borrow my clips while I was in the middleo a workout. I wasn't really sure how to pace myself on this workout. I did 10 reps then rested, 10 reps then rested, then 10 reps where I had to drop the weight towards the end. I would like to test this again in a couple weeks while working on my strength in the full clean and jerk going HEAVY.
Quote of the Day
“My existence while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives. You don’t want to hear the truth because deep down in places you don’t talk about at parties, you want me on that wall, you need me on that wall.”
~Colonel Jessup (USMC) "A Few Good Men"
Osama Bin Laden DEAD at last! I have been angry about this since I was in 6th grade sitting in Religion class when it happened. Closure and justice have been made. He will not be enjoying 99 virgins because he will be in hell getting giant pineapples stuck up his butt by Satan himself for all eternity.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
The Broad Street Run (10 miles)
10 miles in 1 hour 32 min minus about a 7 min bathroom break.
This was a fun race that I did with my friend Sir William "The Slaughterer" Schlucter. It was really cool to just run through Broad Street. The entire stretch was completley for runners without a car in site. I had not ran distance since last November for the Philly Half Marathon! I really need to include some distance running and more running in general. My last 3 mile time was worse than I have done in the past. That is unacceptable to do worse than before. I should be improving on everything that I do. I will be also eating more Paleo/Primal most of the time. I have to include more running (intervals, distance, and Time Trials CrossFit Endurance Style) and more Met-Con (CrossFit circuit type) workouts.
Quote of the Day
“I believe that man will not merely endure. He will prevail. He is immortal, not because he alone among creatures has an inexhaustible voice, but because he has a soul, a spirit capable of compassion and sacrifice and endurance. “
~William Faulkner