Muay Thai leg kick/elbows gauntlet
50 rear leg kicks, 100 straight punches, 50 front leg kicks, 100 straight punches, 50 elbow slashes left, 100 straight punches, 50 elbow slashes right, 100 straight punches, 50 left elbow uppercuts, 100 straight punches, 50 right elbow uppercuts, 100 straight punches
Handstand Push-Ups (facing wall) for 6x6 (6 sets x 6 reps)
Tactical Urban Defense for 1 and half hours focusing on the defense of blunt weapons using JUDO - check THIS out!
Muay Thai Testing
was tested on all basic strikes and defense: punches, kicks, knees, elbows
mixed with various exercises with sparring boxing/kickboxing, and clinch for the 2 hour period
Quote of the Day
"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before. "
Edgar Allan Poe
Song of the Day
Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros - 40 Day Dream
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