Wednesday, May 23, 2012

What to do in Rio? Part 1

I am leaving for Rio in 10 days to volunteer with children from favelas (poor shantytowns) who are at risk for being involved in drugs and gangs.  I will be there to help teach them English while keeping them engaged in surfing.  They will also learn how to repair surf boards so that they can gain income for their families.  It is a great opportunity to make a difference in these kids lives.  Some of these kids parents have been killed by gangs. I will do my best to get these kids interested in surfing and teach them as much English as I can while being a good mentor.  Watch the below video from the movie "The City of God" to get an idea of how much at risk these kids in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro are.
While in Brazil, I am also going to take advantage of all the fun extreme adventure that can be had in extreme sports, nature, and nightlife. 

Hang Gliding over Rio
 Mountain Biking 

Tabata 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest
Jump Rope Sprints for 8 rounds
Ring Pull-Ups for 4 rounds
Ring Rows for 4 rounds
Ring Push-Ups for 8 rounds
Back Squat for 5,5,5
One Arm Dumbbell Side Press for 5,5,5
Metabolic Conditioning for 3 rounds
Weighted Chin-Ups for 3 reps
Stair Sprint for 1 minute
Weighted Dips for 3 reps
Rowing for 1 minute
Track Sprints for 5 x 200 meters and 5 x 100 meters

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