Back Box Squat (below parallel) for 5x3 at 185 lbs
T-Bar Row (back parallel) for 5x3 at 200 lbs
Steve Cotter Circuit- 1x50 lbs kettlebell
one arm swing (10 reps per side)
one arm clean (10 reps per side)
one arm snatch (10 reps per side)
one arm side bend (10 reps per side)
one arm squat (10 reps per side)
one legged deadlift (10 reps per side)
one arm overhead squat (10 reps per side)
one arm military press (10 reps per side)
one arm clean and press (10 reps per side)
one arm turkish sit-up (5 reps per side)
one arm row (10 reps per side)
**after each exercise, swing kettlebell around body (around the body pass for 10x per direction)
51 things to do before you die! - OUTSIDE MAG BUCKET LIST
Philadelphia School of Circus Arts
Quote of the Day
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
~Mark Twain
Blogger's thoughts: this is true Sam, when I am about to die, I want minimal regrets. I would rather be completely broke and content with my life than a millionaire with few exciting experiences.
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