8 x 200 meter all out sprints (walked 100 meters for recovery)
2 x 100 meter sprints (walked 100 meters for recovery)
Philosophical Rant - Alpha
"The alpha animals are given preference to be the first to eat and the first to mate; among some species they are the only animals in the pack allowed to mate. The status of the alpha is often achieved by means of superior physical prowess, though it can also be determined by social efforts and building alliances. The individual in the alpha position usually changes when another challenges it to a fight, in some species to the death, and wins."
I am the the fricken KING OF THE JUNGLE! I am the most dangerous PREDATOR that has ever graced the earth. And so are you! You have survived through thousands of generations. All of your ancestors were able to SURVIVE and REPLICATE before old age or getting eaten by a SABER TOOTH TIGER. Keys to survival and replication were often because they displayed certain traits that made them superior. A mixture of fitness and smarts allowed them to live until they had children. Everyone should make it a point to act more ALPHA. Be more confident by how you speak and how you move. Implement a more confident BODY LANGUAGE and the rest will come. If you think you deserve a good life then take it! If you don't then you don't. That goes back to MINDSET. Live like an alpha male/female in everything that you do. Be a LEADER. Make DECISIONS.
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