MAX Effort Lower Body
Deadlift for 1,1,1 (375, 395, 405 lbs) PR
Front Squat for 1,1,1 (205, 205, 210 lbs) PR
Overhead Squat for 1,1,1 (135, 155, 155 lbs) PR
Dynamic Upper Body
Bench Press with Double Wrapped Bands for 8x3 (135 lbs) (2 sets done with Fat Gripz)
Gymnastic Training
3 Rounds:
3 rounds
Hand Stand Push-up Parallette Partials (4 reps)
Legless Rope Climb (focusing on longer grabs)
L-Seat (10 reps)
Bridge (10 reps)
Double Kettlebell Hell!
3 rounds at 10 reps then 7 reps then 4 reps
Double Swing for 10/7/4 reps
Hand Release Push-Ups for 10/7/4 reps
Double Front Squat for 10/7/4 reps
Double Crunches for 10/7/4 reps
Double Row for 10/7/4 reps
Hand Release Push-Ups for 10/7/4 reps
Double Push Press for 10/7/4 reps
Double Crunches for 10/7/4 reps
Double Row for 10/7/4 reps
Hand Release Push-Ups for 10/7/4 reps
Double Floor Press for 10/7/4 reps
Double Crunches for 10/7/4 reps
Double Row for 10/7/4 reps
Gymnastic Met-Con
(wearing 20 lbs vest) alternate each exercise
4 Rounds not for time
Hanging Leg Raise to L-Pull-Up for 5,5,5,5
Ring Lever Push-Ups (one arm in push-ups position on ring other extended out to side on ring) for 5 reps (per arm)
High Box Jump for 5 reps (20' box + 2x45lb bumper + 2x35lb bumper)
1 Rope Ascent
Handstand Hold for 60,60,50, 57 sec
Rest as needed
MAX Effort Upper Body
Weighted Pull-Ups for 78,88,88,88,78 lbs (barely cleared the bar on some sets) PR
Bench Press for 265 lbs (Have hit 275 before)
MAX Effort Upper Body
Push Jerk for 1,1,1 (195,200,205) PR
Dynamic Lower Body (60 sec rest)
50% of MAX Deadlift standing on plates with Bands for 10x3 (205 lbs) [did 2 sets of speed snatch deadlift]
Snatch Balance for 3x3 worked up to 135 lbs [got down in the hole well but have to work on improving]
Squat Clean for 3x2 at 185 lbs (have to work on shrugging it up)
(Rest 3+ min between intervals)
5x500 m sprints
The Disposable Hero WOD (Big Dogs) completed in 39:03
5 rounds
400 m run
40 m walking lunge
25 tuck jumps
25 hand-release push-ups
25 burpees
This week I trained gymnastics heavily, kettlebells, and did some rowing. I MAXed out and hit several PRs for which I will work to improve on in the upcoming 4 weeks. I will train with the Percentages of my PRs in a Wendler(esq) training template. I hit The Disposable Heroes WOD at Crossfit Apex with some other Marine Options on Saturday. It was a tough one and it was fun to encourage my friends and get pushed by them as well. I felt fatigued before even doing the workout because of all the training that I had done. But that helps to improve my mental toughness for which I will be working on in the upcoming months. I have been doing well on the Paleo Diet and have not slipped up once. It has been 21 days! I will try cut back the red meat for the last week and focus more on chicken. I think the Paleo Diet has not only helped my appearance and dropped me down to 193-194 but it has helped me to get stronger and improved my mood. I often have nightmares about slipping up and eating refined carbs...
For Next Week
(Deadlift/Front Squat/Overhead Squat/Bench Press/Push Jerk/Weighted Pull-Up) These are my target exercises which I will improve on in the upcoming 4 weeks. I will do 3 sets of 5 the first week, 3 sets of 3 the 2nd, then for the 3rd week I will try to MAX out with 1 set of 1, then 1 set of 3, and 1 set of 5. Then I will take a week to deload and recover where I will not lift anything heavy. I changed the percentages for the 3rd week 1 rep from 95% 1RM to 105% 1RM because I want to MAX out then. I will incorporate crossfit met-cons after I do Wendler strength training and Westside Dynamic training. I will try to give myself a few hrs in between to recover before I hit the met-cons. I would like to make improvements by directly training the Girl WODS Karen, Cindy, and Grace. I also want to work on my rowing capacity and running conditioning.