Skill Practice
Double Unders for 100 total [much improvement]
Wendler Upper Body 3x3
Push Jerk 3x(145/165/185) with battling ropes for speed and power after each set
TGU: Work to a near 1RM: 70#, 75#, 80# [did both hands and went to ground after each rep]
Dumbbell Deadlift for 2x5 with 2x120#
Dumbbell Shrug with straps for 10 reps (2x100#), 9 reps (2x100#), and 15 reps (2x90#)
Barbell Good Morning for 3x3 with 155# with battling ropes for speed/power after each set
Dynamic Lower Body
Snatch Balance 3x5 (95#) [worked with light weight and getting in the hole]
Today: Felt fatigued and will take Saturday off. Will be maxing lower body lifts on Sunday.
Quote of the day:
"Those who work the hardest, who subject themselves to the strictest discipline, who give up certain pleasurable things in order to achieve a goal, are the happiest."
- Brutus Hamilton, Olympic decathlete and track coach
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