Wendler Upper Body
Bench Press 5x200, 3x225, 1x275 [without fat gripz]
Weighted Pull-Ups 5x45, 3x53
Weighted Chin-Ups 3x1 at 90# [chin cleared bar and made sure to start from lockout]
Push jerk 5x155, 3x175 (too fatigued to max)
Snatch balance 1x3 [135,155,155#) [hard time getting down in the hole]
Running 12x1 min intervals with 30 sec rest
Evening PT
Pool PT (water polo and lap sprints/PT) [50 m swim then dips/squats, repeat]
Gymnastics Practice working on muscle up, back flips, L-seat on rings, skin the cat, tumbling, and straight legs to bar 4x10
I got some solid training in today maxing some lifts. I had to switch to chin-up grip to max my pull-ups. I also ran sprints, I swam, and I had some good gymnastics training with the Temple Club. I will be at the Notre Dame Leadership Conference from Thursday through Sunday. I will try to get some training in while I am there.
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