Dynamic Lower Body
MAX Box Height: 5 attempts to go higher [stacked two 20" boxes and 1x45# and 1x10# bumper plates, stacked up right below navel]
Wendler Lower Body 3x3
Overhead Squat 3x(110/125/145) [felt easy once I kept it tight and pulled my shoulder blades in while pulling outward on the bar]
Turkish Get-Ups for 1x4 at 60#
Log Strict Press for 1x6
Gymnastics WOD
2 rounds (20 lbs vest) NOT FOR TIME - resting a few min btwn rounds
Rope Climb x2
Handstand Partials/iso hold (50 sec)
Bridge (5 reps)
Pistols (5 per side)
Rope Climb x2
Ring dips (10)
Strict Hanging Leg Raise (10)
High Box jumps (5) [jumped on 20" then jumped to the deck then immediately to high box]
Rope Climb x2
Recover and repeat for 2 total rounds
Each round took about 10 min for 20+ min gymnastic workout. Rope Climb with vest was tough. Total of 12 ascents at 15 ft each for 180 feet of climbing.
Excerpt from CrossFit FlexGym on Positive Self Talk
Yesterday's wod was tough, that's why they have hero wods; to test not only our fitness level, but our mental capacity for pain as well. During "Badger" did you at anytime doubt yourself, question why you were doing the wod, or even want to give up? If you did, that's completely normal. But one of the best things to remember while going through a brutal wod is, if you doubt yourself...you will fail. Plain and simple. Our brains are wired to our bodies so as soon as you let that frustration take over, your body will respond exactly how your brain thinks it should. Big picture here: don't EVER forget how important positive self talk is. If you want to succeed, tell yourself that! If you want to get 5 more pull ups, tell yourself YOU CAN. If you want to finish a hero wod, even if it may take you 1.5 hours, DO IT!! You are your best competitor, compete with that mind of yours, every day!
As Again Faster would say,
"Embrace the pain, push the threshold, and feel the suck."
Quote of the Day:
"You've got to get up every morning with determination, if you're going to go to bed with satisfaction" - George Lorimer
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