Fitness Is...
Take advantage of yours.
A farmer doesn’t plant crops without a harvest. An investor doesn’t invest without a return. But such is the tragic circumstance of a man who trains day after day without using what he’s gained.
With the surplus of material floating around the Internet, shelved in libraries, and taught in schools, it’s easy to lose ourselves amongst the methodology. Nutrition, programming, recovery, adaptation—there’s so much to know that the ‘process’ of fitness becomes a trap well laid. All this information fights for our attention and, as a result, we lose the forest while sifting through the trees.
That forest, while superficially unique from person to person, typically boils down to a....read the rest at anywherefit
by Blair Morrison

Super Squats: 1 set of 20 repetitions breathing a couple times in between reps with 205 lbs (set took 3 minutes to complete with no racking)
Overhead Press with fat gripz working to find 2 rep max (155 lbs)
Weighted Pull-ups with fat gripz cluster sets: 3 reps (rest 20 sec), 3 reps (rest 20 sec), 3 reps, rest 2 minutes, repeat for 3 total sets using 25 lbs
Weighted Dips with fat gripz cluster sets: 3 reps (rest 20 sec), 3 reps (rest 20 sec), 3 reps, rest 2 minutes, repeat for 3 total sets using 70 lbs
Muay Thai Kickboxing for 1 hour doing 2 x 5 minutes of rope jumping, 2 x 5 min of shadow kickboxing, 2 x 5 min of combos on thai pads
ALEX CLARE "TOO CLOSE" from Ian Bonhote on Vimeo.
Very nice article about fitness. thanks for the wonderful post. I think for fitness everyone should try to do regular exercise and diet.
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