When international terrorists or Russian Operatives are trying to evade you from capturing them, you will have to RUN like HELL, FAST AND FAR. The best way to do this is to vary your running workouts. For best results, it is recommended to do 2-3 running workouts with 1 short interval to build your bad guy catching speed (EX: 8 x 200 meters or 30 seconds on and 90 seconds off for 20 minutes), 1 longer interval (EX: 4 x 800 meters or 3 x 7 minutes) and 1 long run to build up your cyborg like endurance (EX: work on increasing the distance or time running and incorporating Time Trials like a 5 K, 10 K, or half marathon to gauge progress). This is a similar protocol that CrossFit Endurance utilizes. Incorporating circuits with weights, bodyweight, and running/rowing/cycling is also vital for the conditioned spy. The Secret Service has a kettlebell snatch test with a 53 lber to measure their fitness.
2. Strength and Power
This will be necessary when you have to tackle a jihadist leader before he reaches the detonator of a bomb and kills a bus full of small children. Or when you have to rappel down a building of a North Korean Nuclear facility with 50 pounds of gear strapped to your back. For building strength, everyone (even women) should be lifting some weights. Wendler, a great powerlifter, has a simple yet effective program HERE. But strength and power is meaningless if you can't lift your own bodyweight. Al Kavadlo offers tutorial videos on cool bodyweight exercises to build pure strength that is fun to show off at cocktail parties (shaken not stirred) and even more effective at allowing you to navigate around minefields.
3. Sports Specific Fight Training
Punching, kicking, throwing, and dominating bad guys is not as easy as it looks. It takes experience training in martial arts. Any operative worth his or her salt is able to take out a larger enemy and often multiple at one time. A future agent should join a Mixed Martial Arts Gym and take up Urban Defense and/or Krav Maga (Israeli Defense training).
You may not have to change your identity or go through water boarding to become a secret
agent but you still can train like one. It will only make you a more effective human being and look better NEKID...

Sparring in Boxing and Muay Thai Kickboxing and Clinch for 30 minutes of 3 minutes on and 30 seconds rest
Grappling working on takedowns then rolling with a partner for 2 x 5 minute rounds with 30 second rest
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