According to John Mehaffey of Reuters, McCallister's evidence includes a set of footprints made by Australian aborigines chasing game 20,000 years ago. Analysis of the footprints shows the men were running at about 37 kph (23 mph) along the muddy shore of a lake. For comparison, world record holder Usain Bolt reached a speed of 42 kph (26 mph) at the Beijing Olympics. McAllister writes,
We can assume they are running close to their maximum if they are chasing an animal. But if they can do that speed of 37 kph on very soft ground I suspect there is a strong chance they would have outdone Usain Bolt if they had all the advantages that he does.HOW DOES MODERN MAN STACK UP?
Russian arm wrestling champion Alexey Voyevoda has a twenty-two-inch bicep and has curled more than two hundred and fifty pounds---with just one arm. But could he stand up in an arm wrestling match with an average Neanderthal male? Or, for that matter, a female? (p. 10)
Today’s Ultimate Fighters compete in a sport where bouts routinely end with an unconscious loser splayed out on a blood-soaked canvas. But what would a match in the Octagon look like next to the Pankration bouts of the Ancient Greeks: a battleground or a playground? (p. 77)
A modern army goes into battle with state-of-the-art technology and centuries of strategical insight. But for sheer determination, could they have bested Nero’s legions, who marched nearly two marathons a day for six days straight---each legionary carrying hundred-pound packs? (p. 99)
There’s philological evidence that suggests Homer may not have written the Iliad; he may have rapped it. If 50 Cent had to face Homer in a rap battle, would he come out on top? (p. 160)
Wilt Chamberlain is known for scoring on more than just the court. He claimed to have had as many as twenty thousand sexual encounters in his lifetime. Such conquest could only be matched by one of the world’s greatest conquerors: There is the evidence that approximately 32 million people are descended from Genghis Khan. (p. 248)
This motivates me to embrace my primal nature. I not only want to be capable of what I as a male human being is supposed to do, but I desire to be the best possible to reach alpha male status. I will train to meet and surpass FITNESS STANDARDS.

I will also eat like how my body was designed to by following a primal/paleo diet (MOSTLY) and by implementing the WARRIOR Diet.

Its premise: eat one main meal at night, avoid chemicals, combine foods adequately and challenge your body physically. The Warrior Diet shows how to nourish the body in sync with its innate circadian clock – separating between a.m. foods and p.m. foods for effective removal of toxins, increased conversion of fat for energy, increased utilization of nutrients and improved resilience to stress. The result: a leaner, stronger and healthier body.
The Evidence is Undeniable
- Recent studies on intermittent fasting have shown the benefits of following eating programs similar to The Warrior Diet. Mice and rats maintained on an intermittent fasting regimen lived up to 30% longer than those fed ad libitum. Especially striking are the improved insulin sensitivity and cardiovascular risk profiles in animals maintained on diets with long inter-meal intervals.
- "Our ancestors consumed food much less frequently and often had to subsist on one large meal per day, and thus from an evolutionary perspective, human beings were adapted to intermittent feeding rather than to grazing." (Mattson, M.P., PhD, Lancet 2005; 365:1978-80).

Muay Thai Kickboxing for 1 hour
Max Effort Lower Body
Back Squat finding 1 Rep Max - 275 lbs (parallel depth)
Deficit Sumo Deadlift finding 1 Rep Max - 385 lbs
Olympic Depth (butt to ankles) Anderson Squat for 3 x 3 - 205 lbs
Dynamic Effort Upper Body
Speed Bench Press with mini bands for 10 x 3 - 155 lbs
Metabolic Conditioning
Every minute perform either 3 x thrusters (135 lbs) or 10 x kipping pull-ups - alternating exercises each min for 20 total min [10 sets of thrusters and 10 sets of pull-ups for 30 total thrusters and 100 total pull-ups]
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