Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Next Step

While running the Endurance Course at OCS for the 2nd time I suffered from heat exhaustion and was sent home 3 days before graduation. This means that I am going to have to go back next summer and do it all over again. I am very dissapointed because I had sacrificed a lot of time and effort to prepare for OCS. I was really weak and could barely walk for a week after coming home but am starting to get some strength back. I have been eating poorly and not training has made me feel like shit. I am going to go strict paleo starting this Monday. I will train hard and will back off if I start feeling weird. I still have to go see a specialist doctor in order to determine if there is something wrong with me physically. I will focus my training on running and especially running in boots with added weight for a few miles without stopping. I would like to decrease my body fat through hard training and a strict diet. I will still do crossfit met-cons but will focus more on running and being able to complete reps in pull-ups, push-ups, dips, squats, burpees, ect. I have to maintain focus and continue to improve my fitness so that I can kill OCS this summer. I am also thinking about taking up Muay Thai at Daddis Fight Camps in South Philly.

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