Handstand Hold for 3 sets of 70 seconds
10 minutes (As Many Rounds As Possible)
Sumo Deadlift High-Pull (50 lbs kettlebell) [10 reps]
Hand Release Push-Ups [10 reps]
Russian Kettlebell Swings [10 reps]
Double Crunch [10 reps]
Completed 7 rounds
Muay Thai Kickboxing Training for 1 hour
"The Gauntlet" - on a suitcase pad
100 straight punches
50 leg kicks right (alternating 10 power for 10 speed)
100 straight punches
50 leg kicks left
100 straight punches
50 body kicks right
100 straight punches
50 body kicks left
100 straight punches
then worked on the thai clinch (hard on the neck)
Get PRIMAL!!! - Primal Blueprint (Mark's Daily Apple)
Train your brain to focus - Harvard Business Review
Quote of the Day
"I am the only person in the world I should like to know thoroughly."
Oscar Wilde
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