Monday, January 16, 2012

Inspirational Athlete - William Schlucter

(105.8 lbs)

My good friend Will Schlucter is a trainer at SOVIET FORCE GYM in Chicago Illinois. Will has come a long way in the past couple years. He regularly runs in races from 5k to half marathon and beyond. He is an avid enthusiast of functional fitness and he is always testing himself to new limits. Will has had CYSTIC FIBROSIS for his entire life. CF is a disease that severely affects the lungs, pancreas, liver, and intestines. This makes him feel as if he is breathing through a straw. Will has been able to persevere in spite of his disease to reach an amazing fitness level. He is passionate about helping others improve their lives too. If he can do it then WHAT'S YOUR EXCUSE?
Will's Website - LIKE IT

Workout of the Day (WOD)
Back Squat worked up to a heavy single (225 lbs)
Weighted Chin-Ups 3x5 (25 lbs added to body-weight)
Metabolic Conditioning
4 rounds
10 Thrusters (front squat to press) with 95 lbs
10 knees to elbows (hanging from pull-up bar)
then 250 meter row (C2)

Quote of the Day
"Unless there are slaves to do the ugly, horrible, uninteresting work, culture and contemplation become almost impossible. Human slavery is wrong, insecure, and demoralizing. On mechanical slavery, on the slavery of the machine, the future of the world depends." – Oscar Wilde

Harder for Americans to rise from lower rungs - NY Times

Watch this! - Lifestyle

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