Thursday, January 12, 2012

Heavy Bag and Handstands

Handstand Hold for 3 sets of 1 min (using wall for balance)
Heavy Bag
6 rounds
2 minutes on and 1 minute off
worked on combo punches and thai clinch using knees to the body
Philosophical Rant - Excuses/Habits
There is saying that goes something like this, "excuses are like a**holes, we all have them, and they all STINK!!!" The thing is you can fool anybody but you can't fool yourself. Or maybe it should be the other way around. You can fool yourself but you can't fool anyone... "I don't have time," is the go to response. BULLSH*T! Wake up an extra 20 minutes, go to bed 20 minutes early, put down the remote, get off of that social networking site, stop reading stupid fitness blogs. :) You need to find time for yourself and your body or you will have to find time for illness. You can buy a new IPHONE if you drop it, you can buy a new PRIUS if you crash it, but you cannot buy a new BODY no matter what.
Everybody has something that they are doing that is setting them back. They have some debilitating habit that is making them a worse human being, not a bad person necessarily but a less effective person. Every single day you should do something positive that you don't normally do, and keep doing it until it becomes a habit. It will be inconvenient but it will improve your life. That's not a THREAT, that's a promise!
You heard it here first kids!

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