Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Hacking Life

What the hell is hacking life all about?  That's a good question.  One of my favorite authors, Tim Ferris author of The Four Hour Workweek and The Four Hour Body, makes life hacking the driving force in his life.  He throws himself head first into something completely unknown to him previously and forces himself to learn it quickly.  Whether that something is learning Yabusame, a supremely difficult horse-back archery sport in Japan, or winning the Tango championship on behalf of Argentina (the only American to ever do so).
I would like to do the same.  I have so many interests in so many different things, many of which I know absolutely nothing about.  I need to Carpe Diem every day before I run out of days.  The key to learning things is to make the first step.  You should research about it then go to someone who has been doing it for years and ask, or if necessary pay, for their help.  Perhaps instruction can even be swapped. If you are a great guitar player and you wish to be a Jason Bourne-esque badass, swap with a martial arts instructor interested in learning how to play guitar.  Repetition and visualization of the skill is necessary to learn it efficiently. Do something every day that you are uncomfortable with if not completely terrified of.  Sitting on your thumbs all day won't get you far nor will it make your life fulfilled.  Be vulnerable and feel like an idiot for a while, I dare ya! 

Today, I taught English to a group of young capoeira students (3 to 12 year olds) through Muay Thai and self defense instruction.  Some of these kids neighborhoods (favelas) are very dangerous and it is a good thing to teach them self defense.  And with the upcoming World Cup (2014) and Summer Olympics (2016) coming to Rio de Janeiro, I hope that I can initiate a spark in them to learn English which will give them many opportunities in the future.  After the kids class, I then learned from skilled Capoeira men who have been doing it for years.  They were very open to me and patient.  I am looking forward to learning more of this breakdance fighting art created by African slaves in the 16th century.  I need to hack the Portuguese language!


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