Sunday, July 25, 2010

July 19-23 Training/Diet


Nutrition: High Carb


Upper Body Kettlebell and Olympic Ring Session

A1. Chin-Ups on rings (13,10,10,7) reps

A2. Sitting Alternating Double Press 4x5 reps

B1. Ring Dips (12,10,9) reps

B2. Renegade Row 3x5 reps

C1. Shoulder Push-Ups (feet in rings) (15,15,9) reps

C2. Double Overhead Walk for 3x20 yd

D. Ring (lockout) Knee raises 3x5 reps


Nutrition: Low Carb


Nutrition: Low Carb


Lower Body Gym Session

A. Front Squat (185 lbs) 6x2

Kelly Drive Run: 5 min interval and 3 min interval with 2 min recovery, 4x1 min intervals with 1 min recovery


Nutrition: High Carb


Upper Body Gym Session

A1. Jerk (165 lbs) 6x3 (2 reps after first set)

A2. Weighted Pull-Up (65 lbs) 6x3 (2 reps after first set)

B1. Weighted Dip (115 lbs) 4x2

B2. BW T-Bar Pull-Up 3x7 (per side)

C1. Plank one arm cable row 2x20


Nutrition: Low Carb


Lower Body Kettlebell Session:

Steve Cotter Double Kettlebell Workout for 2 circuits

  • Double Kettlebell Front Squat (10 reps)
  • Single Bell Good Morning (10 reps)
  • Double Kettlebell Single Leg Deadlift (5 reps per side)
  • Elevated Kettlebell Pistol (4,2)
  • Rack Lunge (10 reps per side)
  • Double Swing (5 reps)


I did not get much cardio in this week but will increase it significantly next week.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

July 12-18 Training/Diet


Nutrition: Low Carb


Jump Rope: 10 rounds of 1 min on : 1 min off

Sprints: 30 min total of 30 sec sprints/90 sec walk, and then jog for about a mile

10 minute 50 lbs Kettlebell Snatch Test (170 snatches completed) with a goal of 200


Nutrition: Low Carb

Strength Training:

A1. Wall Headstand Hold 3x (1 min) with 2 min goal

A2. Straight Bridges (backward Push-ups) 3x40 (goal)

B1. One-Arm Push-Up (feet together with good form) for 3x2

B2. Pistol Jump 3x2

C1. 20 lbs vest Pistol 2x2

C2. 20 lbs vest One Arm Plank Hold 2x40 sec

Jump Rope Sprints: 10 rounds 1 min on : 1 min off


Nutrition: Low Carb


Wtd Vest Stair Sprints: Sprint 1 floor/walk 1 floor (8 floors x 5)

Push-Up/Squat Jump Pryamid up and down (1 up 10 down 1) rest then complete 10 rounds of 10 push-ups and 10 jump squats

Jump Rope Sprints: 10 rounds of 30 sec sprints with 30 sec rest


Nutrition: Low Carb


Strength Training

A1. One Arm Pull-up with wrist grab for 3x2 reps

A2. One Arm Push-up (good form with feet close together) 3x3 reps

B1. Speed Deadlift of 50% max (185 lbs) 5x3

B2. Standing Push Press 5x3 (155 lbs)

C1. Front Squat 3x3 (175 lbs)

C2. Speed Bench Press of 50% (135 lbs) 3x3

D1. Hanging Leg Raise Lift (10 lbs) 2x reps

D2. Plate Weight Transfer 2x8 reps

*Skipping Rope in between sets

Hurricane Sprints: 20 total min, 10% incline, 20 sec sprints, 12.5 MPH MAX


Nutrition: High Carb

Rest day


Nutrition: High Carb

Rest Day


10K Obstacle Course Race


Overall, it was a pretty solid week of training. I did tear my hands up really bad on the snatch test. I have to work on not gripping the bell as hard on the way down, I believe. After running the 10K race it is obvious that I have neglected my endurance running training. I will be increasing endurance training significantly. I will include steady state, tempo, and fartlek running as well as swimming/rowing into my training. I will be tweaking my training as a whole.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Training Tools

These are my favorite training tools that I use to increase my strength, speed, endurance, power, and body composition.

1. Body-weight

Favorite exercises: pull-up, pistol (one legged squats), one-arm push-up, plank, hanging leg raise

2. Kettlebell

Favorite exercises: snatch, swing, clean & jerk, row, farmers walk

3. Barbell
Favorite Exercises: deadlift, shoulder press, front squat
(in the picture: a Marine overseas rigged a bunch of scraps to create a barbell)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

July 5-10 Training/Diet


Nutrition: Low Carb




Nutrition: Low Carb


(AM) Strength Training:

A1. Pull-Ups 3 x max reps (19 reps, 12 reps, 11 reps)

A2. Clean and Side Press 3x3 (75 lbs)

B1. Incline Dumbbell Press 4x3 (75 lbs) with 5 plyo push-ups

B2. T-Bar Row 4x3 (4x45 lbs)

C1. Hanging D-Bell Raise 2 sets (5 lbs)

C2. Plank One Arm Cable Row for reps 2 sets


Nutrition: Low Carb


Kettlebell Downward Pyramid Sprints: 10 One Arm Clean and Jerks (each arm) then sprint for 40 yd, 9 Clean and Jerks then sprint 40 yd, 8 reps sprint 40 yd, 7 sprint…1 clean and Jerk.

~1-2 min rest between sets


Nutrition: Medium Carb, No fat


(AM) Strength Training:

A1. Elevated Deadlift 6x2 (335 lbs) had to go down in weight after 2 sets

A2. Barbell Standing Military Press 5x2 (145 lbs) had to go down in weight after 3 sets

B1. Wtd Towel One-Arm Pull-Up 3x3 (middle of towel) with 35 lbs

B2. Wtd One-Arm Push-Up 3x3 (other arm extended on bench for support) with 35 lbs

B3. Neck extension for 3x10 (3 plates)

C1. Elevated weighted pistols 2x2 (60 lbs)

C2. Foot to Bar Hanging Leg Raises 2x15 reps

C3. Kneeling Rope Twist 2x10 (each side)

Hurricane Sprints: 20 min total, 10%, 12.0 MPH MAX, 20 sec


Nutrition: Low Carb, low fat


5 rounds: Jump Rope for 2 min, 10 kettlebell snatches then overhead walk 20 yds, switch arms and repeat, 10 kettlebell Rack Lunges then rack walk 20 yds, switch arms and repeat.


Nutrition: Medium Carb


5x10 pull-ups

3x10 of one-arm lever push-ups

3x10 of assisted pistols

50 total mini resistance band assisted pull-ups

2x50 short bridges

4x10 ab wheel rollouts

6 rounds of 30 Power Punches on 85 lbs heavy bag


All in all a pretty good week of training. I did not get to do as much sprints/running/cardio that I wanted to do. I will go out of my way to make that top priority next week. I also was not as strict on clean moderate eating as I want to be. IMPROVEME OR DIE!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

June 28-July 3 Training/Diet


Nutrition: Low Carb


Strength Training:

A1. Deadlift for 6x2 (335 lbs)

A2. Speed Jump Rope (about 1 min)

B1. Standing Military Press for 5x3 (135 lbs)

B2. Neutral Weighted Pull-Ups for 5x3 (55 lbs)

Tabata Downward Rower (C2): Tabata for 20 second sprints/10 second rest for 10 total minutes, lowering the resistance one increment each minute


Nutrition: Low Carb


Sprints: 30 seconds sprint/90 seconds walk for 30 total minutes

Steve Cotter One-Arm Kettlebell Circuit (each arm for 11 reps)

  1. Swings
  2. Shoulder Press
  3. One Arm Squat
  4. Clean
  5. Snatch
  6. Overhead Squat
  7. Side Bend
  8. Lunge
  9. One Legged Deadlift
  10. Clean and Press
  11. Bent Over Row (22 reps per arm)
  12. Sumo Deadlift Upright Row


Nutrition: Low Carb


Bike Ride Sprints

Nick Tumminello Unilateral Farmers Walk Kettlebell Circuit

  1. Carry kettlebell in one hand at side, walk for 20 yards then perform 10-12 single leg/single arm Romanian Deadlifts, switch hands, walk back then repeat with other arm
  2. Carry Kettlebell in one hand at side, walk for 20 yeards then perform 10-12 single arm rows, switch hands, walk back then repeat with other arm
  3. Carry kettlebell in racked positon in one arm, walk for 20 yards then perfomr 10-12 lunges, switch hands, walk back then repeat with other arm
  4. Carry kettlebell overhead in one arm, walk for 20 yards then perform 10-12 split jerks, switch hands walk back then repeat with other arm

I did 2 sets of this, then I completed 30 total clean and military presses alternating every 10 reps, and 10 snatches for each arm. My hands were wet and they got torn up. I am working on not gripping the kettlebell as hard at certain points in the lift to avoid blisters and wearing my hands out.

Ab Ripper X

  • 350 ab/core repitions for 25 reps an exercise


Nutrition: Medium Carb


Speed Sprints: 30 minutes of sprints focused on speed as opposed to conditoning (sprints are shorter and recovery is longer)


Nutrition: High Carb


Strength Training:

A1. Weighted Pull-Ups 5x5 (50 lbs) reduced load by a little in subsequent sets

A2. Weighted Dips 5x5 (100 lbs)

B1. Overhead Squat 5x5 (115 lbs)

B2. Bench Press with Chains 5x5 (145 + 2x chains)

C1. Elevated Weighted Pistol 2x5 (45 lbs for first set, 35 lbs for 2nd set)

C2. Windshield Wiper 1x8 (per side)

C3. Plank Weight Transfer 1x6 (per side, 4x10 lbs)

Hurricane Sprints: 10% incline, 15 minutes total, 20 second sprints, 12.5 MPH MAX Speed


Nutrition: Medium Carb


Kettlebell Circuit for 10 rounds: 10 one arm kettlebell swings (per arm), 10 alternation medicine ball push-ups

Overall Reflection

This week was a pretty good week of training. I had little going on and had plenty of time to focus on training. I felt pretty strong and lean.