Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wed, 2/23/2011

Morning PT
Wendler Upper Body
Bench Press 5x200, 3x225, 1x275 [without fat gripz]
Weighted Pull-Ups 5x45, 3x53

Weighted Chin-Ups 3x1 at 90# [chin cleared bar and made sure to start from lockout]
Push jerk 5x155, 3x175 (too fatigued to max)
Snatch balance 1x3 [135,155,155#) [hard time getting down in the hole]
Running 12x1 min intervals with 30 sec rest
Evening PT
Pool PT (water polo and lap sprints/PT) [50 m swim then dips/squats, repeat]
Gymnastics Practice working on muscle up, back flips, L-seat on rings, skin the cat, tumbling, and straight legs to bar 4x10
I got some solid training in today maxing some lifts. I had to switch to chin-up grip to max my pull-ups. I also ran sprints, I swam, and I had some good gymnastics training with the Temple Club. I will be at the Notre Dame Leadership Conference from Thursday through Sunday. I will try to get some training in while I am there.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tues, 2/22/2011

Double Kettlebell Jerk (2x50#) 5 sets of 20,21,22,23,24 reps (resting at least 10 min btwn sets)

Handstand Push-Ups Partials (down to duct tape) and Pistol Density for 15 min [first ten min 1 HSPU and 4 Pistols on the min, last 5 min 1 HSPU and 3 pistols on the min] pistols were per side 4 pistols left and 4 pistols right.
Today was a hectic day full of exams and classes. I worked on my double kettlebell jerk. I would like to double my reps to 50 without stopping too much or setting down the bells. The double jerk is all about power endurance and mental toughness. The HSPU seemed harder because of the jerks. Tomorrow I will try to go all out with upper body strength work (hopefully PRs), running sprints, pool pt, a k-bell/pull-up Tactical Strength Challenge workout, and gymnastics practice. It is a lot but I hope to pull it off if my body and schedule allows it.

The nation that makes a great distinction between its scholars and its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools. -Thucydides

Monday, February 21, 2011

Mon, 2/21/2011

Gymnastics Practice

I have decided to join Temple University's Gymnastic Club. It is a very relaxed group of people who work a couple times a week on gymnastic moves. I hope to work to handstand walks and handstand push-ups without walls. I would like to improve my flexibility which will help prevent injury. Doing gymnastics will also help my balance and coordination which will make me more athletic. I want to work towards a full muscle-up on rings and a pull-up bar. Today I did tumbles, cartwheels, and free handstand holds. Gymnastics will make me a better crossfitter and will improve my obstacle course times.

An excerpt from
The benefits of gymnastics has been shown time and time again. I have been coaching the sport for over 10 years, in addition to being a collegiate competitive gymnast. I strongly believe in the benefits of doing this sport for all ages, but this article will focus on adult gymnastics.

Most people over 25 believe that they are too old to start gymnastics. Many people believe that 15 is too old to start gymnastics. This is a ridiculous notion. 15, or 25 might be too late to start gymnastics if the intent is to become an Olympic competitor, but it is never too late to gain the benefits from practicing this sport. Gymnastics will improve performance in any other sport, as well as improving overall fitness and functional strength to a level that most people never attain.

Doctors are finally coming to realize the long term benefits to resistance training. Studies have shown that resistance training improves joint health, maintains muscular development and improves cardiovascular fitness. This is true for all ages. Gymnastics is all about resistance training. The conditioning involved in a progressive gymnastics program focuses on functional strength. Elite gymnasts strength to weight ratios are second to none. This is what enables elite gymnasts to perform skills that appear to be humanly impossible. While some of these moves might be out of reach for most people, with a focused gymnastics conditioning program most adults will be stronger than they have ever been. Not only will this conditioning enable anyone to perform moves that will make most 17 year olds gape in amazement, but it will also help prevent injuries.

Stretching and flexibility is an area that is sadly lacking from most fitness programs. The 2 to 3 minutes spent stretching before a class is simply not enough. Being flexible allows for greater joint mobility, improves circulation and helps to prevent joint injury. There is a strong focus on flexibility in gymnastics. Most gymnastics skills are greatly benefited by flexibility and others are simply impossible without the proper flexibility. Gymnastics stretching is also taught by people who really understand how to improve flexibility quickly and safely. Gymnasts are among the most flexible athletes in the world. As people age their flexibility tends to decrease. This is generally due to a lack of stretching and physical activity rather than simply a result of aging. If flexibility is trained throughout ones life a high degree of flexibility can be maintained.

A few points that must be considered when starting gymnastics as an adult: First is that it is difficult. Adults have few if any advantages over a five-year-old child starting this sport, and many disadvantages. Adults will start out with basic skills, and must be patient in learning new skills. One of the biggest hindrances I've seen in coaching adult gymnastics is that many adults are embarrassed watching 9-year-old kids that are significantly better than them at the sport. The kids fully understand, because they went through it as well. There is nothing to be hesitant about. Everyone in that gym has been through the basics. Second is an awareness of safe progressions. Adults do have a higher risk of injury then children in the sport. This is due to larger body size. A 180 lb adult will hit the floor with a lot more force than a 60 lb child. Even though the adult has more muscle mass to buffer the impact the possibility for injury is increased. Secondly adults recover slower than children. Proper progressions and a focus on safety is critical. One of my prodigies in my adult class is a fellow who started gymnastics at the young age of 46. He has now been doing gymnastics for 3 years, and has transformed. He is in the best shape of his life, and can perform skills that were not even conceivable 2 years ago. A point to the benefits of his doing gymnastics. About 5 months ago he received a 2-point separation in his shoulder skiing. The doctors tell him that had his shoulder not been as strong as it is the injury would have been far worse. Not only was the injury itself minimized, but his recovery has been tremendous. With gymnastics training focused around the injury he is back to full capacity, and improving again.

I've saved the best, and most important factor in starting adult gymnastics for last. It is fun. Learning how to tumble, flip, swing, and come as close to self powered flight as is possible is a blast. Gymnastics is anything but boring. There is always another step to learn. It is possible to learn something new every single class or workout that is attended.

If you are an adult and think you are "too old" to start, think again. Find a local gymnastics center and ask if they have an adult program. If they do, join it. If they don't, ask them to start one. Find some friends to join with you.

Roger Harrell is a gymnastics coach and the webmaster of It is one of the best resources on the internet for gymnastics training. He teaches his adult gymnastics classes in Marin County, CA on Wednesday nights 7-8:30 at MEGA Gymnastics.

"The most successful people in the world are those that are willing to make themselves vulnerable by going to the edge of the cliff and then jumping."

~Ben Chera

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sun, 2/20/2011

Wendler Lower Body

Deadlift 5x305#, 3x345#, 1x415# (PR!) [I had to grind the MAX up but I did it. I could not get the complete pull of 425 as planned]

Front Squat 5x160#, 3x205#, 1x220# (PR!} [failed at 220 once but worked to keep elbows up and actively push through floor and I got the PR]
Overhead Squat 5x120#, 3x155#, 1x165# (easy) (PR!) [I attempted to get 185 but due to the shitty atmosphere with pencil necks gawking at me, I was unable to get out of the hole] Weighted Ring Dips 3x5 with 60# [felt good]

Crossfit WOD [I wanted to complete 10 rounds but was wiped completely. I should not put these two exercises together cause they are so similar and fatigue each other]

3 rounds

10 Burpee Pull-Ups in 1 min

10 knees to elbows in 1 min
Quote of the day:

"Nothing would be done at all if one waited until one could do it so well that no one could find fault with it."

- John Henry Newman

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sat, 2/19/2011

Rest! Recovery is important. I must make sure that I keep my recovery in check so that I can put out harder in my workouts. I do not want to become so overtrained that I cannot work out at all. The upcoming 2 weeks are going to be hectic with traveling to Exams, Notre Dame, New Orleans, and then Spring Break.

Fri, 2/18/2011

CrossFit Inspire competitor performs a 115# Barbell Turkish Getup

Skill Practice

Double Unders for 100 total [much improvement]

Wendler Upper Body 3x3

Push Jerk 3x(145/165/185) with battling ropes for speed and power after each set

TGU: Work to a near 1RM: 70#, 75#, 80# [did both hands and went to ground after each rep]

Dumbbell Deadlift for 2x5 with 2x120#

Dumbbell Shrug with straps for 10 reps (2x100#), 9 reps (2x100#), and 15 reps (2x90#)

Barbell Good Morning for 3x3 with 155# with battling ropes for speed/power after each set

Dynamic Lower Body

Snatch Balance 3x5 (95#) [worked with light weight and getting in the hole]

Today: Felt fatigued and will take Saturday off. Will be maxing lower body lifts on Sunday.

Quote of the day:

"Those who work the hardest, who subject themselves to the strictest discipline, who give up certain pleasurable things in order to achieve a goal, are the happiest."

- Brutus Hamilton, Olympic decathlete and track coach

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thurs, 2/17/2011

Wendler Upper Body 3x3

Bench Press 3x(185/215/235) use fat gripz

Wide Grip Weighted Pull-Ups 3x(40/50/60)

Dumbbell Bench Press for 2x9 with 2x80#

Weighted ring dips for 1x3 with 60#


Heavy Clean for 3x1 (195#) [need to work to get under bar]

MAX Box Jump Height (2x20" boxes plus 2x45# and 1x10# bumper plates)

Grip and Pulling Strength

Towel Commando Pull-Ups for 2x5 (per side) [grasping towel wrapped around bar: pull chin over hand to right then dead-hang, pull chin over hand to left then dead-hang]

Towel Alternating Climb Pull-Ups for 2x5 (per side) [one arm is staggered higher up then switch with re-grip]

Handstand Push-Up Density Training

[On the min for 20 min]

2 reps the first 7 min, 1 reps the last 13 min

Stair Sprints (at Art Museum)

Incorporated single step for foot speed, multiple steps for speed, step hops, 3x155 lbs fireman's carry up steps

"Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit." ~Napoleon Hill

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wed, 2/16/2011

The Disposable Heroes WOD (Big Dogs) {completed in 35:28 beating old time of 39:05 though 400 distance may have been less]
5 Rounds for time
400 m run
40 m walking lunge
25 tuck jumps
25 hand-release push-ups
25 burpees
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training… what a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable." — Socrates

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tues, 2/15/2011

Dynamic Lower Body

MAX Box Height: 5 attempts to go higher [stacked two 20" boxes and 1x45# and 1x10# bumper plates, stacked up right below navel]

Wendler Lower Body 3x3

Overhead Squat 3x(110/125/145) [felt easy once I kept it tight and pulled my shoulder blades in while pulling outward on the bar]

Turkish Get-Ups for 1x4 at 60#

Log Strict Press for 1x6

Gymnastics WOD

2 rounds (20 lbs vest) NOT FOR TIME - resting a few min btwn rounds
Rope Climb x2

Handstand Partials/iso hold (50 sec)
Bridge (5 reps)
Pistols (5 per side)

Rope Climb x2

Ring dips (10)
Strict Hanging Leg Raise (10)

High Box jumps (5) [jumped on 20" then jumped to the deck then immediately to high box]
Rope Climb x2
Recover and repeat for 2 total rounds
Each round took about 10 min for 20+ min gymnastic workout. Rope Climb with vest was tough. Total of 12 ascents at 15 ft each for 180 feet of climbing.

Excerpt from CrossFit FlexGym on Positive Self Talk

Yesterday's wod was tough, that's why they have hero wods; to test not only our fitness level, but our mental capacity for pain as well. During "Badger" did you at anytime doubt yourself, question why you were doing the wod, or even want to give up? If you did, that's completely normal. But one of the best things to remember while going through a brutal wod is, if you doubt will fail. Plain and simple. Our brains are wired to our bodies so as soon as you let that frustration take over, your body will respond exactly how your brain thinks it should. Big picture here: don't EVER forget how important positive self talk is. If you want to succeed, tell yourself that! If you want to get 5 more pull ups, tell yourself YOU CAN. If you want to finish a hero wod, even if it may take you 1.5 hours, DO IT!! You are your best competitor, compete with that mind of yours, every day!

As Again Faster would say,

"Embrace the pain, push the threshold, and feel the suck."

Quote of the Day:

"You've got to get up every morning with determination, if you're going to go to bed with satisfaction" - George Lorimer

Monday, February 14, 2011

Mon, 2/14/2011: “Hansen”

Pull-Up Test
MAX REPS: 20 with minor leg kick for last 2 reps
Double Under Practice for 80 dubs
Wendler Lower Body 3x3
Deadlift 3x(285/325/365) [thicker bar, did not lower the weight on the 365 set]
Front Squat 3x(150/195/200) [did not use pinky finger, felt easy]
Dynamic Upper Body
Band Bench Press for 10x3 (135#) [used power rack and wrapped bands to the bottom]
Pull-Up hand release in air for 10x3 [exploded up and switched grip width at the top of each rep]
SSgt Hansen, USMC (Hero WOD) scaled [finished in 33 min on the dot]
5 rounds
30 American kettlebell swings, 50# [all unbroken, too light]
30 burpees [chest to deck/no deck hump, VERY HARD]
30 Bumper Plate sit-ups (touch ball behind head then inside legs), 10# [varied hold of plate]

Marine Staff Sgt Daniel Hansen died February 14th in Farah Providence, Afghanistan when an IED he was working on detonated. Daniel is survived by his mother Sheryll, his father Delbert, his younger sister Katie, and his twin brother Matthew (also a Marine).

Today marked the 2 year anniversary of Staff Sergeant Daniel Hansen's death. He was Explosive Ordnance Disposal and he was killed while trying to defuse an IED that could have killed a fire team of Marines. Without him many of America's best would not be walking around today. RIP Hansen.
I only own a 50 lbs kettlebell but would like to get a 70 pounder. I did not have great difficulty with the swings but the burpees were tough. I just did plate sit-ups because obviously I do not own a $500+ GHD to do sit-ups on. It was a good workout and I definitely went harder to honor Hansen. This would have been a good one to do with a friend.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

February 7-13 Training


Wendler Lower Body

Deadlift 3x5 (265/305/345#)

Front Squat 3x5 (140/190/190#) had to rack weight in briefly

Overhead Squat 3x5 (105,120,135#)

Dynamic Upper Body

Speed Bench Press (115#) 10x2 with mini bands and fat gripz

Morning WOD

2 Girls, One WOD (Cindy and Karen) [Completed in 30:52]

15 Rounds

5 dead-hang pull-ups, 10 Wall Ball Shots (20#), 10 push-ups, 15 air squats

Afternoon Training

40 L-Pull-Up Progression (leg raise then pull-up after leg is parallel with the deck) in sets of 5

Then 10 neutral grip pull-ups


Rest (legs were useless after yesterday's high volume workout)


Morning WOD

Wendler Upper Body

Bench Press 3x5 (175/200/225#) use fat gripz

Dumbbell Bench Press for 1x10 at 2x75#, 1x5 at 2x90#

Weighted Pull-Ups 3x5 (40/45/50#)

5 Rounds

30 heavy bag power punches

2x44lb kettlebell overhead walk for 40 m

Evening WOD

Crossfit Center City

Worked on push-jerk

Indoor Track

Tabata Run (2x) and Tabata Row (2x)


Skill Work

Tababta Double Unders for 5 min

Wendler Upper Body

Push Jerk 3x5 (135/155/180#)

Good Morning 3x5 (135#)

Dumbbell Turkish Get-Up for 1x3 (60 lbs)

Dynamic Lower Body (rest 1 min between sets)

Snatch Grip Deadlift + Bands (2x mini) 10x3 (195#)

Front Low Box Squat+ Bands (2x mini) 8x3 (95#)



For 10 ROUNDS (taking time in between rounds but going fast during rounds)

5 Handstand push-ups (partials down to pillow) (50 total)

10 1-legged squats (pistols) alternating (50 total per leg)

15 Pull-ups (150 total)




This week I improved with my Wendler/Westside strength training. I need to also focus on Olympic lifting so I will eliminate the dynamic speed lifts for the deadlift and front squat to focus on the clean and snatch. I need to incorporate more running into my training. I did a really hard crossfit workout on Tuesday that left my legs useless for Wednesday. I was able to work on my gymnastics on Saturday and I got a lot of good volume on where I focused more on form and technique and kept the rests between rounds long while still going fast during the rounds. I would like to increase gymnastics training but it is hard to fit it into an already busy schedule of power and Olympic lifting along with crossfit wods and running/rowing. It's a work in progress. I am finishing off my Paleo Challenge. I am trying to figure out if the 4 weeks were ok or if I should get an exact 30 days. I have already bought a pie and ice cream to eat to take a break from this diet. I will still continue with Paleo but will take breaks on Saturdays. Next week I am going to focus most of my attention on hardcore crossfit WODs and try to keep up with everything else. I have to pay attention to recovery.

Before and After (Side Pose)

Before and After (Front Pose)

Before: Mid December 2010
After: February 13, 2011

After the first pic was taken I completely immersed myself into CrossFit training. 1 month later while still training CrossFit I began the Paleo 30 day Challenge. The after pic was taken once the challenge was almost over.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Wendler/Westside Hybrid Template


Week #1

  • Set #1 is 5 reps @ 65% of your "working" one rep max 265/140/105 lbs
  • Set #2 is 5 reps @ 75% 305/190/120
  • Set #3 is 5 reps (or more) @ 85% 345/195/135

Week #2

  • Set #1 is 3 reps @ 70% of your "working" one rep max. 285/150/110
  • Set #2 is 3 reps @ 80% 325/195/125
  • Set #3 is 3 reps (or more) @ 90% 365/200/145

Week #3

  • Set #1 is 5 reps at 75% of your "working" one rep max 305/160/120
  • Set #2 is 3 reps at 85% 345/205/155
  • Set #3 is 1 rep (or more) @ 105% 425/220/165

Week #4 "Deloading"

  • Set #1 is 5 reps at 40% of your "working" one rep max 165/95/65
  • Set #2 is 5 reps at 50% 200/110/85
  • Set #3 is 5 reps at 60% 245/135/100

Perform these Lower Body exercises on Mondays. Then do dynamic version including bands for 50/60/70% of MAX on Fridays. Include High Box Jumps, Snatch Balance, and Good Mornings to assist in these lifts.

Wendler/Westside Hybrid Template


Lighter on the pull-ups

Week #1

  • Set #1 is 5 reps @ 65% of your "working" one rep max 175/135/40
  • Set #2 is 5 reps @ 75% 200/155/45
  • Set #3 is 5 reps (or more) @ 85% 225/175/53

Week #2

  • Set #1 is 3 reps @ 70% of your "working" one rep max. 185/145/40
  • Set #2 is 3 reps @ 80% 215/165/50
  • Set #3 is 3 reps (or more) @ 90% 235/185/65

Week #3

  • Set #1 is 5 reps at 75% of your "working" one rep max 200/175/45
  • Set #2 is 3 reps at 85% 225/175/53
  • Set #3 is 1 rep (or more) @ 105% 275/215/90 (chin ABOVE bar)

Week #4 "Deloading"

  • Set #1 is 5 reps at 40% of your "working" one rep max 105/85/25
  • Set #2 is 5 reps at 50% 135/100/45
  • Set #3 is 5 reps at 60% 160/125/50

Perform these Upper Body exercises on Thursday and/or Friday. Do dynamic speed lifts with bands for 50/60/70% on Mondays. Include dumbbell bench press, dips, rows, and strict military press. Work to clear bar on each pull-up. Lower the weight if to heavy and document it.

Strongman PT

I will be training with tractor tires, logs, sandbags, and anything else I can find to improve my strength and conditioning mobility.

January 31-February 6 Training


MAX Effort Lower Body

Deadlift for 1,1,1 (375, 395, 405 lbs) PR

Front Squat for 1,1,1 (205, 205, 210 lbs) PR

Overhead Squat for 1,1,1 (135, 155, 155 lbs) PR

Dynamic Upper Body

Bench Press with Double Wrapped Bands for 8x3 (135 lbs) (2 sets done with Fat Gripz)

Gymnastic Training

3 Rounds:

3 rounds

Hand Stand Push-up Parallette Partials (4 reps)

Legless Rope Climb (focusing on longer grabs)

L-Seat (10 reps)

Bridge (10 reps)


Double Kettlebell Hell!

3 rounds at 10 reps then 7 reps then 4 reps

Double Swing for 10/7/4 reps

Hand Release Push-Ups for 10/7/4 reps

Double Front Squat for 10/7/4 reps

Double Crunches for 10/7/4 reps

Double Row for 10/7/4 reps

Hand Release Push-Ups for 10/7/4 reps

Double Push Press for 10/7/4 reps

Double Crunches for 10/7/4 reps

Double Row for 10/7/4 reps

Hand Release Push-Ups for 10/7/4 reps

Double Floor Press for 10/7/4 reps

Double Crunches for 10/7/4 reps

Double Row for 10/7/4 reps


Gymnastic Met-Con

(wearing 20 lbs vest) alternate each exercise

4 Rounds not for time

Hanging Leg Raise to L-Pull-Up for 5,5,5,5

Ring Lever Push-Ups (one arm in push-ups position on ring other extended out to side on ring) for 5 reps (per arm)

High Box Jump for 5 reps (20' box + 2x45lb bumper + 2x35lb bumper)

1 Rope Ascent

Handstand Hold for 60,60,50, 57 sec

Rest as needed


MAX Effort Upper Body

Weighted Pull-Ups for 78,88,88,88,78 lbs (barely cleared the bar on some sets) PR

Bench Press for 265 lbs (Have hit 275 before)


MAX Effort Upper Body

Push Jerk for 1,1,1 (195,200,205) PR

Dynamic Lower Body (60 sec rest)

50% of MAX Deadlift standing on plates with Bands for 10x3 (205 lbs) [did 2 sets of speed snatch deadlift]

Snatch Balance for 3x3 worked up to 135 lbs [got down in the hole well but have to work on improving]

Squat Clean for 3x2 at 185 lbs (have to work on shrugging it up)


(Rest 3+ min between intervals)

5x500 m sprints



The Disposable Hero WOD (Big Dogs) completed in 39:03

5 rounds

400 m run

40 m walking lunge

25 tuck jumps

25 hand-release push-ups

25 burpees




This week I trained gymnastics heavily, kettlebells, and did some rowing. I MAXed out and hit several PRs for which I will work to improve on in the upcoming 4 weeks. I will train with the Percentages of my PRs in a Wendler(esq) training template. I hit The Disposable Heroes WOD at Crossfit Apex with some other Marine Options on Saturday. It was a tough one and it was fun to encourage my friends and get pushed by them as well. I felt fatigued before even doing the workout because of all the training that I had done. But that helps to improve my mental toughness for which I will be working on in the upcoming months. I have been doing well on the Paleo Diet and have not slipped up once. It has been 21 days! I will try cut back the red meat for the last week and focus more on chicken. I think the Paleo Diet has not only helped my appearance and dropped me down to 193-194 but it has helped me to get stronger and improved my mood. I often have nightmares about slipping up and eating refined carbs...

For Next Week

(Deadlift/Front Squat/Overhead Squat/Bench Press/Push Jerk/Weighted Pull-Up) These are my target exercises which I will improve on in the upcoming 4 weeks. I will do 3 sets of 5 the first week, 3 sets of 3 the 2nd, then for the 3rd week I will try to MAX out with 1 set of 1, then 1 set of 3, and 1 set of 5. Then I will take a week to deload and recover where I will not lift anything heavy. I changed the percentages for the 3rd week 1 rep from 95% 1RM to 105% 1RM because I want to MAX out then. I will incorporate crossfit met-cons after I do Wendler strength training and Westside Dynamic training. I will try to give myself a few hrs in between to recover before I hit the met-cons. I would like to make improvements by directly training the Girl WODS Karen, Cindy, and Grace. I also want to work on my rowing capacity and running conditioning.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Training Periods 2011 (first 6 months)

Cardiovascular/respiratory endurance

The ability of body systems to

gather, process, and deliver oxygen.

Stamina - The ability of body systems

to process, deliver, store, and

utilize energy.

Strength - The ability of a muscular

unit, or combination of muscular units,

to apply force.

Flexibility - the ability to maximize

the range of motion at a given joint.

Power - The ability of a muscular

unit, or combination of muscular units,

to apply maximum force in minimum


Speed - The ability to minimize the

time cycle of a repeated movement.

Coordination - The ability to combine

several distinct movement patterns

into a singular distinct movement.

Agility - The ability to minimize

transition time from one movement

pattern to another.

Balance - The ability to control the

placement of the bodies center of

gravity in relation to its support base.

Accuracy - The ability to control

movement in a given direction or at a

given intensity


Strength: Wendler (5/3/1) and Westside (MAX Effort/Dynamic) Hybrid. Deadlift, Front Squat, Overhead Squat, Bench Press, Jerk, and Weighted Pull-Up (focusing on wide grip)

Power: Implement Westside principles of Dynamic Speed also using resistance bands with barbells. Incorporate Olympic exercises (Snatch/Clean) but focus on the foundations of the movements that build up to them (Deadlift + Front Squat + Jerk = Clean & Jerk) and (Snatch Grip Speed Deadlift + Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat = Snatch). Include kettlebells.

Speed: Implement C2 Rowing Sprints and short but intense running intervals.

Balance: Focus on Pistol Squats and Handstand Push-ups along with other Gymnastic exercises. (Legless Rope Climb, L-Pull-Ups, Ring work, ect)

Stamina: Focus on intense Crossfit workouts.


Cardiovascular/respiratory endurance: Focus on Crossfit Endurance workouts by running various distances. Testing with Time Trials 2-3x a week (400m, 800m, 1 mile, 1.5 mile, 3 mile, 10K, 8.5 mile, 10 mile, and beyond). Row, swim, bike, RUN every day.

Stamina: Incorporate high repetition body weight exercises with cardio workouts (mostly high rep air squats). Use a weighted vest with cardio and bodyweight. Train SEALFIT a few times a week. Run with logs and train high repetition rope climbs. Run in boots through parks.

Flexibility: Injury prevention by implementing yoga and stretching well after training. Try to see a masseuse.

Agility/Accuracy/Coordination: Incorporate agility sprints by using strongman walks (farmers/fireman/ect). Go to Iron Sport Gym to train with strongman equipment.

Power: Dedicate 1-2 training sessions to focus on full cleans and snatches going heavy sometimes and light in high repetition other times.

Strength: Continue to train Heavy with Deadlift and various presses.

Balance: Fine tune pistols and handstand push-up along with other Gymnastic exercises.


OCS: the test and the reason you sacrifice so much each and every day.