Wendler Lower Body
Deadlift 3x5 (265/305/345#)
Front Squat 3x5 (140/190/190#) had to rack weight in briefly
Overhead Squat 3x5 (105,120,135#)
Dynamic Upper Body
Speed Bench Press (115#) 10x2 with mini bands and fat gripz
Morning WOD
2 Girls, One WOD (Cindy and Karen) [Completed in 30:52]
15 Rounds
5 dead-hang pull-ups, 10 Wall Ball Shots (20#), 10 push-ups, 15 air squats
Afternoon Training
40 L-Pull-Up Progression (leg raise then pull-up after leg is parallel with the deck) in sets of 5
Then 10 neutral grip pull-ups
Rest (legs were useless after yesterday's high volume workout)
Morning WOD
Wendler Upper Body
Bench Press 3x5 (175/200/225#) use fat gripz
Dumbbell Bench Press for 1x10 at 2x75#, 1x5 at 2x90#
Weighted Pull-Ups 3x5 (40/45/50#)
5 Rounds
30 heavy bag power punches
2x44lb kettlebell overhead walk for 40 m
Evening WOD
Crossfit Center City
Worked on push-jerk
Indoor Track
Tabata Run (2x) and Tabata Row (2x)
Skill Work
Tababta Double Unders for 5 min
Wendler Upper Body
Push Jerk 3x5 (135/155/180#)
Good Morning 3x5 (135#)
Dumbbell Turkish Get-Up for 1x3 (60 lbs)
Dynamic Lower Body (rest 1 min between sets)
Snatch Grip Deadlift + Bands (2x mini) 10x3 (195#)
Front Low Box Squat+ Bands (2x mini) 8x3 (95#)
For 10 ROUNDS (taking time in between rounds but going fast during rounds)
5 Handstand push-ups (partials down to pillow) (50 total)
10 1-legged squats (pistols) alternating (50 total per leg)
15 Pull-ups (150 total)
This week I improved with my Wendler/Westside strength training. I need to also focus on Olympic lifting so I will eliminate the dynamic speed lifts for the deadlift and front squat to focus on the clean and snatch. I need to incorporate more running into my training. I did a really hard crossfit workout on Tuesday that left my legs useless for Wednesday. I was able to work on my gymnastics on Saturday and I got a lot of good volume on where I focused more on form and technique and kept the rests between rounds long while still going fast during the rounds. I would like to increase gymnastics training but it is hard to fit it into an already busy schedule of power and Olympic lifting along with crossfit wods and running/rowing. It's a work in progress. I am finishing off my Paleo Challenge. I am trying to figure out if the 4 weeks were ok or if I should get an exact 30 days. I have already bought a pie and ice cream to eat to take a break from this diet. I will still continue with Paleo but will take breaks on Saturdays. Next week I am going to focus most of my attention on hardcore crossfit WODs and try to keep up with everything else. I have to pay attention to recovery.
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