Wendler Lower Body
Deadlift 5x305#, 3x345#, 1x415# (PR!) [I had to grind the MAX up but I did it. I could not get the complete pull of 425 as planned]
Front Squat 5x160#, 3x205#, 1x220# (PR!} [failed at 220 once but worked to keep elbows up and actively push through floor and I got the PR]
Overhead Squat 5x120#, 3x155#, 1x165# (easy) (PR!) [I attempted to get 185 but due to the shitty atmosphere with pencil necks gawking at me, I was unable to get out of the hole] Weighted Ring Dips 3x5 with 60# [felt good]
Crossfit WOD [I wanted to complete 10 rounds but was wiped completely. I should not put these two exercises together cause they are so similar and fatigue each other]
3 rounds
10 Burpee Pull-Ups in 1 min
10 knees to elbows in 1 min
Quote of the day:
"Nothing would be done at all if one waited until one could do it so well that no one could find fault with it."
- John Henry Newman
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