Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Chronic Stress will kill YOU! It has been linked to causing HEART DISEASE. Humans or any other animal were not meant to be stressed out for prolonged periods of time like we often are today. This is often because of long days at work or that "the world is on my shoulders" belief that some have adopted. We are only meant to be stressed out for short bursts of time to give us the adrenaline boost to outrun a saber tooth tiger or to beat an attacking tribe.

1. Get off your butt and EXERCISE!
It has long been reported that exercise can reduce stress, with one 2003 study suggesting that short, intense bursts of exercise are most effective at reducing stress and stress-related diseases (such as cardiovascular disease). While this is definitely good news for those of us who are feeling a time crunch, it should be noted that other forms of exercise, such as hiking, pilates and yoga, can also help quieten the mind and help you unwind.

2. Get your mind right
You are NOT responsible for the fate of the world. The world will go on without you. Also, picture what you are stressed about and try to imagine what it would be like if you were a poor, blind orphan child living in a third world country. Its not so bad now, is it?

3. Eat REAL food (not fake processed man-made trash)
Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Basically, anything that does not have a shelf/fridge life is not real food and you shouldn't eat it. Eat food that nourishes you, energizes you, and strengthens your brain. Natural/Organic foods may be more expensive but it will save you from buying diabetes medicine, or when you need new organs, ect.

4. Laugh/Smile more
Watch a comedy movie or tv-show. Go see stand-up comedy live or make friends with funny people. And if smiling/laughing comes hard to you, fake it till you make it. But you must truly think happy thoughts for it to work.

5. Punch/Kick something or someone...
What if you could take out all the anger or frustration built up after a long day/week/year at the office or school? Through Martial Arts Training (boxing, kickboxing, muay thai, jiu jitsu, ect) you can release it in every punch, kick, take-down, ect that you do on a heavy-bag or with a friend holding pads and eventually sparring.

Mixed Martial Arts Training for 3 hours (back to back)
Muay Thai Kickboxing for 1 hour focusing on body kick defense
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (NO-GI uniform) grappling for 1 hour (triangle choke) rolling/sparring
Boxing for 1 hour focusing on south paw stance - defense/offense

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