Monday, March 26, 2012

Blue or Red Pill?

The Matrix is based on a philosophical question posed by the 17th Century French philosopher and mathematician RenĂ© Descartes. One of Descartes’s most important theses was intellectual autonomy, or the ability to think for oneself. For Descartes, this entails not just having a “good mind”, but also “applying it well”.

Everything I have accepted up to now as being absolutely true and assured, I have learned from or through the senses. But I have sometimes found that these senses played me false it is prudent never to trust entirely those who have once deceived usThus what I thought I had seen with my eyes, I actually grasped solely with the faculty of judgment, which is in my mind.

Descartes was therefore suspicious of his percepts, the knowledge he obtained through his senses, and all his own beliefs. He became convinced that one must use one’s mind, rather than one’s senses, to obtain information about the world. In the system of knowledge constructed by Descartes, perception is unreliable as means of gathering information, and the mental process of deduction is the only way to acquire real knowledge of the world.

What is your reality? Most likely it is wrong. In my opinion, it is up to you to create your reality. Whether its a reality of long days at a desk of hard work and waiting to die or its a life of accomplishing great things that actually mean something to you that will give you joy to live a life worth living. If you are trapped in the Matrix maybe its time to get out. Maybe you need to hire a personal trainer, call him Morpheus, to help guide you on the right path (fitness plug). What you need to do is to eliminate negative self talk immediately. Talk good about yourself to yourself and cool things will happen. Look into the mirror and smile. You need to love yourself and become comfortable with who you are at the very root of your soul. Everyday your goal should be to become just a little MORE AWESOME. Try to be better than yourself, no one else. Your problems are most likely really not that big of a deal so STOP making them out to be. If something is holding you back, STOP IT! You want something, go and get it!

Lower Body Max Effort
Back Squat worked up to a 3 Repetition Maximum of 245 lbs
Deficit Deadlift (3 inches up) worked up to a 3 repetition near Maximum of 345 lbs
Upper Body Dynamic Effort
Bench Press at 50% of 1 rep max (135 lbs) with mini bands (about 20 lbs x 2 of resistance for 3 reps of 12 sets with 30 seconds of rest
Olympic Lifting
Power Cleans for 3 reps of 5 sets (5x3) at 185 lbs
Kipping Ring Muscle-Up for 1, 1, 1, 1, 2 repetitions! (I finally was able to string 2 reps together)
Freestanding Handstand work (check out the video below)
For the next 6 weeks I will be focusing my training on strength by doing the conjugate system of Westside Barbell, the world famous powerlifiting gym. I will also be implementing track sprints and working to improve my times in the 100, 200, and 400 meter distances. I will keep working hard on my gymnastics skill training. I will also be watching my diet very carefully and take photos of everything that I ingest for 1 week starting tomorrow. Sticking to paleo style eating of meats, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. I will also be planning fasting periods, once weekly for 24 hours. I will drop some body-fat to improve my body composition aiming for a bodyweight of 190 lbs (at 197 now). I will continue to train Mixed Martial Arts and work hard to make improvements. I will go Mountain Biking as often as I can. I'll be going rock climbing soon. I will go for long cycling rides and long runs every once and a while to increase my endurance but will not overdo it.

Quote of the Day
"Man, alone, has the power to transform his thoughts into physical reality; man, alone, can dream and make his dreams come true."
Napoleon Hill
Song of the Day

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog, I love that you have a variety of training backgrounds. Super impressive and your blog about setting goals was fantastic really helped me as well. I wanted to share with you a new training system I am using now made by Power Press, you can youtube and see it in action. This burns, like crazy but it has treated me well thus far. It has an impressive push up stand system that is pretty unique and gets the job done. Thought I would share since you are obviously focusing on the entire body!
