- Ladder Climb – Climb the ladder and touch the top support structure
while maintaining 3 points of contact at all times. - Ball Sprint – Pick-up a 30lb medicine ball, sprint down and around the
designated cones, and return ball to starting position. - High Wall – Scale over the wall without using the wall’s support structure.
- Tunnel Crawl – Crawl through a 10-foot tunnel.
- Stutter-step Tires – Stutter-step your way through each and every tire.
- Cargo Net Climb – Climb up and over cargo net, while maintaining 3
points of contact at all times. - Box Jump Pyramid – Jump on top of each box jump in your row, landing
on the top with both feet and on the ground with both feet in between
each of the box jumps. (We stress box JUMP this is not a step up and
over) - Tire Flips - Flip the tire end-over-end down to the designated cones and
back to the starting position. (there will be different distances marked for
males and females) - Wall Climb – Scale over an 8’ wall without using the wall’s support
structure. - Push-Pull - You must pull the weighted sled hand-over-hand to the
designated line. The sled must break the plane of the line. Then push the
sled back to its starting position. - Shuttle Run –Transfer the blocks from one line to the other and then back
again, picking up only one block at a time. - Over/Unders – Jump over the wall and pass under the hurdle, without
using the wall’s support structures. - High Hurdles – Jump over each hurdle, with both feet touching the ground
in between hurdles. - Hill Run – Run up and over, staying on the obstacle from start to finish.
- Balance Beam – Cross from one end of beam to the other without your
feet touching the ground - Monkey Bars – Swing from rung to rung, catching each bar. Skipping
rungs is not permitted. - Log Climb – Climb up and over, covering entire distance of logs. Jumping
from end log is not permitted. - Low Wall – Scale over wall without using the wall’s support structure.
- Low Crawl – Crawl under this entire obstacle.
- Strongman Shuffle – Carry a total of 3 odd-shaped objects from one
location to another, carrying only one object at a time. - Wall Traverse – Traverse the entire distance of this wall, side to side. You
are not permitted to touch the top of the wall. - Window Jump – Jump up and through a window opening without using
any of the support structures. - Farmers Walk - Carry 2 - 16kg kettlebells down and around a cone.
- Rope Wall – Climb up and over the 12-foot wall using the attached rope.
You are not permitted to use any of the support structures. - Ramp Jump – Go up and over this obstacle
- Black Hole – Crawl the entire length of the obstacle
- Log Carry – Pick up a log and sprint carrying the log down and around a
cone. Team logs are chained together. - Rope Swing – Swing on a rope to clear the wall obstacle. We suggest
using a little momentum, as you are not permitted to use any of the
support structures and no part of your body can touch the top of the
This was a fun event that I did with some motivators today. We were all able to do it for free thanks to my good negotiation skills. It was a good and quick workout that kept the heart rate up.
Quote of the Day
"Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival."
~Winston Churchill
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