Thursday, May 5, 2011


Bench Press [Body-Weight] BW (195#)
Squat Clean 0.75xBW (145#)
Deadlift 1.5xBW (295#)
Completed in 1 hour and 45 sec

This was a tough workout that I had to pace myself in. I focused on executing good form benching to chest and lockout, squat cleaning all the way in the hole with butt close to ground, and deadlifting trying to maintain the lumbar curve and using my legs to push through the floor. If I just went balls to the wall and tried to complete every rep un-broken (not breaking set up into smaller sets) then I would have been destroyed. I still tried to keep the pace fast. I did complete my Bench Presses unbroken and I had the most difficulty with the Cleans. The deadlifts were doable but a gut check. My back is demolished from the deads. I took a nap today which will hopefully help in the recovery process. I hope to get at least one met-con and some running and biking in before the end of the week.
Quote of the Day
"Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you."
- Thomas Jefferson

Video of Linda = the pain storm that I experienced today!

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